Ultrasound Guided Lumbar Puncture with Dr Sarb Clare
Dr Sarb Clare takes us thorugh the anatomy, indications and procedure of using ultrasound to assist with lumbar punctures.

Basic Echo – How to do POCUS for COVID-19
Dr Sarb Clare teaches us how to perform basic echo at the bedside during the COVID-19 pandemic. A free resource to help anyone at the

Lung Ultrasound Progression in COVID-19 – A Poster Reference
A poster showing the progression of ultrasound findings in COVID-19 – a quick reference for use at the bedside. Share and use as needed.

Lung Ultrasound – How to do POCUS for COVID-19
Dr Sarb Clare teaches us how to perform lung ultrasound at the bedside during the COVID-19 pandemic. A free resource to help anyone at the

HOW TO Perform Basic Lung Ultrasound and Echocardiography
Dr Sarb Clare teaches us how to perform basic lung ultrasound an echocardiography. Presentations from our annual course ‘Ultrasound at the Front Door’. Free to

BTS Thoracic Ultrasound
Back to accreditation. Training in thoracic ultrasound is mandatory for Respiratory Medicine trainees prior to completion of CCT (and preferably prior to ST5). Until now

Focused Acute Medicine Ultrasound (FAMUS)
Back to accreditation. Focused Acute Medicine Ultrasound (FAMUS) is an accreditation pathway endorsed by the Society for Acute Medicine. It is aimed at clinicians managing

European Diploma in Advanced Critical Care Echocardiography (EDEC)
Back to accreditation. EDEC is an accreditation pathway run by the European Society of Intensive Care Medicine and is designed for Intensivists regularly performing echo

COVID-19 Lung Ultrasound
The COVID-19 pandemic is affecting health care practitioners of all levels with an expectation of a rapid increase in case numbers outstripping departmental resources. Colleagues

Focused Ultrasound For Intensive Care (FUSIC)
Back to accreditation. FUSIC is a fusion between the two POCUS training pathways created by the Intensive Care Society – FICE (Focused Intensive Care Echo)

A Front Door Diagnosis of Infective Endocarditis
A 35 year old lady, Ms H, with a background of intravenous drug use, presented at night to the Emergency Department (ED) of a District

Transoesophageal Echo
Back to accreditation. This accreditation pathway is a joint venture between the British Society of Echocardiography (BSE) and the Association of Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia and Critical

RCEM Core (Level 1) Ultrasound
Back to accreditation. The Royal College of Emergency Medicine are the first UK based non-radiology Specialty College to mandate completion of ultrasound training prior to

RCR Focused Ultrasound
Back to accreditation. The Royal College of Radiologists have provided guidance on provision of point of care ultrasound training to non-radiology clinicians. The (extensive) document

The Dyspnoeic Referral
A 37 year old female presented to ED with a 9 day history of cough and dyspnoea. She had no past medical history, no foreign

A Delayed Presentation of Post-Partum Cardiomyopathy
A 39 year old female presented to the Emergency Department with a two week history of worsening shortness of breath and cough. She had no

The Acute Echo Clinic – “Vision to Reality” – An Acute Physician’s Journey
Echocardiography in the acutely unwell is an invaluable skill for the acute physician. Rapid answers to important, life changing clinical questions improves patient diagnosis, management

A Concealed Trigger for Seizures & Collapse
A 35 year old gentleman with a background of learning disability presented to the Emergency Department (ED) with seizures on a background of two months

Focused Intensive Care Echocardiography (FICE)
Back to accreditation. Update, 2020 – FICE has now been merged with CUSIC creating…FUSIC. Minimal change to process for accreditation and FICE is now just incorporated

Ultrasound In Core Training – Why Wait?
Point of care ultrasound (POCUS) is being increasingly utilised within acute and critical care environments as an adjunct to the clinical assessment of acutely unwell

SWBH City Hospital & Ultrasound At The Front Door
Poster presentation for RCP Sharing Best Practice Conference demonstrating the use of POCUS at the AMU Department in Birmingham City Hospital. Birmingham City Hospital (SWBH